It’s time to GET REAL…
These workshops will give you a jumpstart for new LOVE and LIFE!

Workshop #1
"Get Real in Relationships and Learn How To Recognize a Good One!"
By popular demand we are repeating this workshop for anyone
who missed it or for those who want a refresher.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
11:00 - 4:00 PM
TBD in St Petersburg
A lite lunch will be served.
You will learn to identify what life with your love is to YOU! We will be throwing away your OLD LIST and create a new, fresh, CURRENT version of your beloved.
You will be able to hear, taste, smell, feel and touch this new connection!
I am going to show you how to RECOGNIZE this person when they show up!
Workshop #2
“Get Real With YOU...Would Your Perfect Partner Recognize You?”
November 2020
TBD in St Petersburg
Workshop #3
“Get Real About Your Relationship History So You Don’t Repeat It!”
January 2021
TBD in St Petersburg
Already in a relationship?
I'll show you a great way to help you make it even better!
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Why Me?
Lari Averbeck, Relationship Coach
I have spent my entire life studying, practicing and implementing tools and information to improve my relationships. I can honestly say they have all been a success! I have learned so much about myself and how I show up, what works and what doesn’t and the tools to move forward toward healthy, happy love. I look forward to sharing this with you.
The 1st workshop: Get Real in Relationships and Learn How to Recognize a Good One will put you on a whole DIFFERENT track to finding love!
The 2nd workshop: Get Real With YOU… Would Your Perfect Partner Recognize You? helps you see how you are showing up in the world and how to start living like you already have your perfect partner.
The 3rd workshop: Get Real About Your Relationship History So You Don’t Repeat It digs deeper into your past relationship patterns and beliefs that have not worked and gives you different ways to change them!
It’s time to Get Real With Red…. Let’s DO this!
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